
I. About Us / Aims & Mission

There are three major concerns were set for the Careers and Life Planning Team of the school and a series of implementation plans was carried out:

  1. To raise students’ awareness of the importance of the life-long career development planning

  2. To assist students to make wise and informed decision on further studies with reference to their interests, abilities and orientations

  3. To enhance students’ career-related competencies/skills in order to prepare them for further studies and work

II. News and Events
SEPJUPAS and Non-JUPAS Talks (MS4)         
AdMission Talks (MS3, MS4)         
Overseas Study Talks (MS3, MS4)         
Parents Evening (MS1, MS3)
OCTGet-Set-Go Day Camp (MS3)         
Future Skill Workshop (MS3)         
JUPAS Consultation (MS4)         
Admission Talks (MS3, MS4)
NOVCLP Power Engineer Talk (DS5)         
Individual Consultation for Non-JUPAS Stream (MS4)
DECLife Planning Education         
-Work values (MS2)         
-Exploring multiple pathways (MS3)         
Career Experience Game (MS2)         
Mock Result Release Workshop (MS4)
JANMock Interviews (MS4)
FEBLife Planning Education         
- Career exploration (MS2)         
- Goal setting (MS3)
MARMoney Sense Money Management Talk (DS4 - MS1)         
Career Day (MS1, MS2)         
Parents Mentorship Programme (MS2, MS3)
APRBid & Buy Workshop (DS2)        
Life Planning Education        
- Subject selection (DS5)
MAYLife Planning Education         
- Transferable skills (MS1)         
Career Expo (MS2, MS3)
JUNPost-exam Activities (DS4 - MS3)         
MOS Certification (MS1 - MS3)         
Parents Evening (MS3)
JUL & AUGDSE Result Release and Consultation (MS4)         
Summer Intership Alumni Sharing (MS3)         
Consultation on University Admission (MS4)
III. Plan for HKDSE / IBDP (For MS1-MS2)

The school offers the curricula of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) in parallel in MS3-MS4.

HKDSE Curriculum

  • Most students will continue to study 3 of the elective subjects studied

  • Need to ensure that good matching between ability, interests and cognitive demand

  • Students need to work hard to do well in challenging elective subjects

Component of the Senior Secondary ProgrammePercentage of Time Allocation
Core Subjects
  • Chinese Language
  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Citizenship and Social Development(un lieu of Liberal Studies)
Elective Subjects
  • Subjects from KLAs
  • Applied Learning
  • Other Languages
Other Learning Experiences
  • Moral and Civic Education
  • Community Service
  • Career-related Experiences
  • Aesthetic Development
  • Physical Development

HKDSE Elective Subjects:

Chinese History (HKSS only)         
Chinese Literature (HKSS only)         
Literature in English (HKSS only)
Technology EducationICT         
BAFS (HKSS only)
Art and MusicVisual Arts         

IB Curriculum:


IB Elective Subjects:

Group 3Group 4Group 6
Individuals and societiesExperimental sciencesThe Arts
Psychology (IB only)
Computer Science
Visual Arts        

Attitude towards study, instead of choices of curriculum, will ultimately affect academic performance

IV. Further Studies (MS4)

i. Local University

The eight institutions sponsored by University Grants Committee (UGC) provide UGC funded full-time bachelor’s degree programmes as below:

For details, please refer to Life Planning Information at https://lifeplanning.edb.gov.hk/en/study/local-further-study/index.html

ii. Other Education and training 其他教育及訓練

MS4 graduates may choose to apply for sub-degree programmes in post-secondary education institutions including associate degree programmes and higher diploma programmes (which can be divided into government-funded and self-financing programmes). Upon completion of the courses and meeting the specified requirements, graduates can pursue top-up / articulation degree programmes locally or overseas.

For locally-accredited self-financing post-secondary programmes, graduates with Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination results can apply through Electronic Advance Application System for Post-secondary Programmes (E-App) or directly to individual institutions.

For details, please refer to Life Planning Information at https://lifeplanning.edb.gov.hk/en/study/local-further-study/associate-degree-higher-diploma.html

iii. Non-local 非本地

MS4 graduates may pursue their studies overseas in such countries as Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Switzerland and so on.

For details, please refer to Life Planning Information at https://lifeplanning.edb.gov.hk/en/study/non-local-further-study/non-local-further-studies.html

V. Career Education

i. Career Planning

Career Planning
FS1-2Self-awareness, self-appreciation, Family and me, Positive values, Social skills, Gender and job
DS1-3Problem solving, Positive values, Time management, Financial management, Social skills, Family and me
DS4-MS1Subject selection, Transferable skills, Career exploration, Goal setting, Positive Education, Understanding tertiary education
MS2Career explortaion, Goal setting, Understanding stress, Life education
MS3Multiple study pathways (preparation), Community and me, Life education
MS4Multiple study pathways (preparation), Life education

ii. Career-related Experience

Interview Skills Workshop
Interview Skills Workshop
Youth Ambassadors Programme
Youth Ambassadors Programme

“I feel grateful for taking part in this programme. I am thankful for grasping this opportunity, and I benefitted much from it.

First, I’ve learned more about myself, such as my MBTI personality traits, my ideal job, and so on. These allowed me to get to know myself better and use them as a resource when looking for subjects to study at university and jobs that match my interests and personality.

Also, I have learnt about the basic information of various industries, such as the entry requirements, the usual work routine, the industry’s current status and situation etc. It enabled me to learn more about various jobs and reconsider which industry I want to enter in the future.

Socially, because the scheme included students from various schools, I could meet new peers with similar interests and preferences, therefore expanding my social circle.

To me, frankly, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  I will never forget the joyful moments we spent together during the program.”  – Participant from MS2T

Visit to Hong Kong International Aviation Academy 1
Visit to Hong Kong International Aviation Academy
Visit to Hong Kong International Aviation Academy 2
Visit to Hong Kong International Aviation Academy

I have always thought about a career in the aviation industry and I am thankful to the school for giving me another chance to visit the HKIA. Although I already knew most of the things we learnt today, the visit to the airside was definitely still exciting and inspiring. I hope the school can arrange trips like this more frequently in the future.

I really enjoyed this visit because it gave me a new perspective about the aviation industry. I didn’t realise that there are so many job opportunities provided in the industry, and it certainly gave me a deep insight into the industry, especially the procedures involved in the taking off of planes. It made me feel very interested in the industry and I will consider working in the industry in the future.

I have known more about the airport as well as the different kinds of job related to it. One of my dream jobs is to work in the airport but actually I didn’t really know what I would have to do if I worked in the airport. But from today’s visit I have learnt more types of work that I didn’t know before and more details about airplanes.

I think this was a wonderful experience because I could see how the entire aviation industry works, which I am very interested in. It was great to find out about the side of the airport normally unknown to the public. The guide on this tour was very nice and informative. Overall I like this visit a lot and I hope school provides more events like this.

Visit to Thei (Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Chai Wan Campus))1
Visit to Thei (Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Chai Wan Campus))
Visit to Thei (Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Chai Wan Campus))2
Visit to Thei (Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Chai Wan Campus))
Visit to Thei (Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Chai Wan Campus))3
Visit to Thei (Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Chai Wan Campus))

This was a memorables experience. I learned about different subjects and knowledge today, for example surveying and different kinds of design. I hope that there will be more chances to visit different schools and learn more about them.

Even though the disciplines that I visited weren’t the ones I am really interested in, I still managed to reflect on my possible career options. I am quite happy with the visit overall.


Admission Talk (Local & Overseas Studies)1
Admission Talk (Local & Overseas Studies)
Admission Talk (Local & Overseas Studies)2
Admission Talk (Local & Overseas Studies)
Admission Talk (Local & Overseas Studies)3
Admission Talk (Local & Overseas Studies)

iii. Summer Job Safety

Refer to the attached Guide. Be alert and cautious to avoid falling into employment traps.

(Download the pamphlet: https://www.labour.gov.hk/tc/public/pdf/eip/Guide_for_Students_Seeking_Summer_Jobs.pdf)

VI. Aptitude Test



VII. Useful links
  1. Life Planning Information 生涯規劃資訊    

    Life Planning Information logo

  2. Education Bureau – Designated Webpage for Secondary 6 Students 教育局–中六學生資訊專頁    

    Education Bureau – Designated Webpage for Secondary 6 Students logo

  3. JUPAS 大學聯合招生    

    JUPAS logo

  4. eNavigator e導航    

    eNavigator logo

  5. Concourse for Self-financing Post-secondary Education 自資專上教育資訊平台    

    Concourse for Self-financing Post-secondary Education logo

  6. Electronic Advance Application System for Post-secondary Programmes 專上課程電子預先報名平台    

    Electronic Advance Application System for Post-secondary Programmes logo

  7. Further Studies in Mainland China 內地升學    

    Further Studies in Mainland China logo

  8. Hong Kong Association of Careers Master and Guidance Masters 香港輔導教師協會    

    Hong Kong Association of Careers Master and Guidance Masters logo

  9. Hok Yau Club 學友社    

    Hok Yau Club logo

  10. Youth.gov.hk 政府青少年網站    


  11. VTC Occupation Dictionary VTC 職業資料庫    

    VTC Occupation Dictionary logo

  12. Senior Secondary Education and Higher Education – New Academic Structure Web Bulletin 新學制網上簡報    

    Senior Secondary Education and Higher Education – New Academic Structure Web Bulletin logo

  13. The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group – DSE 27771122 香港青年協會升學規劃中心    

    The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group – DSE 27771122 logo

VIII. Careers and Life Planning Teachers

Head of Careers and Life Planning: YEUNG Pik Wah Patricia

Deputy Heads of Careers and Life Planning:  CHUI Wai Shan Sarah, LO Hiu Man Julie

Team Members: CHOW Yan Yan, LEE Ian Nicholas, LI Xiaoyi, NG Norman Daniele, POON Ka Chun Joe, TSANG Kei Lap Gareth, TSE Tsz Pui Joey, WONG Chok Fai, YANG Sze Yee Connie